Hours of operation
Tuesday: 11:00 am - 5.00 pm (online)
Wednesday: 10:00 am – 7:00 pm
Thursday: 10:00 am – 7:00 pm

We all feel tired sometimes, and often an early night will be what we need.  But if you are suffering from fatigue, it’s a persistent tiredness that can’t be solved by just going to bed early.  So how can we increase energy naturally? What causes fatigue? Fatigue...

B vitamins are needed for cellular metabolism and body repair.  They are essential for energy production and can reduce fatigue.  They are necessary for hormone synthesis, and immune system function.  B vitamins are important for making neurotransmitters, and they help to reduce stress and boost...

It can be a challenge to drink enough water - especially during winter! Many people who come into the clinic are dehydrated leading to all sorts of health problems. Fatigue, confusion, memory loss, dizziness, dry wrinkled skin, constipation, eczema, headaches, urinary tract infections, and muscle cramps and...

I am seeing more and more people at the clinic with Adrenal Fatigue! Why is this? What is Adrenal Fatigue? Whether it’s rushing to get everyone organized and out the door in the mornings, running late for work, meeting that deadline, worrying about sick children or...

Our diet & lifestyle can affect our pH. This can contribute to pain, arthritis, sleep problems and weight gain...

Many people that come into the clinic have stress related issues.  For these people the Adaptogens can work wonders. We all have different tolerances to stress and what may seem stressful to one person isn’t necessarily so for another. Stress can have an impact on many...