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10 Healthy Weight Loss Tips

10 Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Weight loss tips to help you lose weight and get healthy…

When your find a weight loss plan that suits you, and your hormones and metabolism are working in sync,  you will lose weight naturally. As well as that, you will reduce inflammation in the body, improve your gut health, improve your mood and energy, sleep better, and reduce your risk of chronic diseases.

If you are trying a low-carb diet, the idea is to replace glucose as your body’s energy source with ketones (produced when you burn fat). To do this we need to deprive the body of sugar (bread, pasta, rice etc.), so that it starts burning fat.  Low carb isn’t for everyone and can be difficult long term.  Planning an individualized weight management programme is best.

These 10 weight loss tips may help:

1. Reduce your fruit

Eating too much fruit is easy to do. Just because fruit is natural doesn’t mean you can have too much. Fruit is high in sugar so will prevent the body moving into fat burning mode. A good serving size is a handful of berries or chopped fruit, or two small pieces per day.

2. Limit your nuts

Just because nuts are on the low-carb “yes” list doesn’t mean you can eat a bag full! A nut serving size is the amount you can fit on your first 3 fingers. Nuts will pile on the kilos if you munch away on them mindlessly. Also, many nuts have an off-balance omega-6 to omega-3 ratio, which won’t help to improve health. Healthy choices include walnuts, almonds and Brazil nuts.

3. Don’t keep junk food in the house

Don’t buy chips, biscuits, cakes and other high-carb stuff – even for visitors. If it’s in the pantry it’s a temptation. Give it away or throw it out!

4. Caution with low-carb treats

Even if you’re eating foods with healthy ingredients keep them for a treat and don’t make them routine or the kilos will start creeping on. Low-carb pancakes, breads, muffins and biscuits may be yummy, but make sure you’re aware of how much you’re actually eating.

5. Eat your fat

Many people have been warned that fat is bad for you. Some fats may be, but healthy fats like olive oil, fish oil, avocado and nuts & seeds are extremely good for you. Adding the right quantities of fat to your diet actually helps you lose weight. You may need to avoid or limit dairy due to high saturated fat content.

6. Check your serving size

Your protein serving should be the size of the palm of your hand. Then add 3 heaped handfuls of vegies or salad. This is the recommendation for lunch and dinner. Limit fats and oils to 1-2 tablespoons per day (including coconut oil, olive oil, flaxseed oil etc.). Count one-half of an avocado as a serving.

7. Get organized!

If you don’t get organized with meals and planning ahead with regard to what you’ll eat each day as well as on holidays, at parties, birthdays etc., you’re asking for trouble. Have lots of “yes” foods on hand at all times. Remember, a starving body can convince you of almost anything! Avoid setting yourself up for grabbing food on the run which will surely keep you from achieving your healthy weight goals.

8. Manage your stress

Too much stress means too much cortisol is released, giving you a middle-aged gut no matter how old you are! If your goal is weight loss, make stress management part of your plan. Make time for fun and relaxation. Learn some relaxation or meditation techniques. Learn to say no. Allow yourself time-out.

9. Get a good night’s sleep

Sleep deprivation causes you to gain weight. When we don’t get enough sleep we rely on cortisol and adrenalin to get us through the day. Our metabolism becomes sluggish and we don’t have enough energy for regular activities, let alone exercise! When your body slows down, you gain weight. Being well rested also ensures you’re not looking for extra energy from food.

10. Exercise each day

Exercise helps to promote an overall feeling of “wellness”. It helps to develop and maintain lean muscle mass, which leads to increased fat burning. It increases your basal metabolic rate (BMR), and therefore, your fat burning capacity. Exercise improves circulation, bone density, endorphin production, blood pressure, sleep quality, ability to manage stress, blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels, strength, flexibility and energy levels.

When you start feeling and looking better, be careful not to fall back into your old habits. Remember why you started in the first place and make sure that you’re eating low-carb as a rule, not an exception. Keep your weight and health goals in mind.

If you need more weight loss tips or you’re still struggling to lose weight, there could be some underlying health issues to resolve including hormone conditions, blood sugar problems, an under-active thyroid, polycystic ovarian syndrome, or others.

It can be challenging to get started so getting some support can help.

Book an appointment to discuss any of these issues or to get your weight loss started.

Call on 0403 755 584 or book online

Angela McTaggart
Qualified Clinical Naturopath
Brunswick Naturopathy

Angela McTaggart - Naturopath, Brunswick Naturopathy